Tuesday 25 March 2008

Why don't I have any talent?

So, I was reading Making Of A Comic on Dark Horse, and comparing their script with mine. Well, how do I put this politely? My descriptions seem so lazy and basically shit. What's wrong with me? I thought my opener to Public Enemy was at least semi-decent. But it seems so unbelievably terrible.

I don't know what to do. Should I rewrite now? Or finish it and then rewrite? I've attempted this spy-thriller four times already and never got past page 49 because it was just plain rubbish. I kept giving up on poor Jodie. I mean, I know she's fictional. But she seems so real to me. In my thoughts and dreams. I promised her I wouldn't quit this time. But I'm having second thoughts.

I'm in love with her! Yeah. Yeah. She's not real. Damn. I need a girlfriend. Any offers?

Didn't think so. Oh Jodie. What am I going to do with you? You seem such a brilliant character in my mind. Strong. Sexy. Smart. But on paper you lose all that. You seem so flat and uninspired.

Why was I born without any talent? I'm shit at just about EVERYTHING!  I can't believe Mother Nature/God (whoever) screwed me over so bad. I'm not mad at God though. Maybe I do deserve it. After all, I find myself blaspheming a lot. I'm not just a crappy writer. I'm a crappy Christian too. :-(

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