Monday 31 March 2008

Getting worse

OK. I've been rushing it a bit. I'm so desperate to see Public Enemy finished. And I think that's caused the quality to slip drastically. It's never going to be published in this state. So since I have finished the first chapter of it. I will go back through and do some much needed editing. I hope I can tidy it up enough to bring it up to publishable standards. I'm worried I won't. I really struggled with it today. The same thing that happened with the other 6 drafts.

When I feel the quality is slipping, like it is, then I tend to get bored of it. And that's what happened today. So I'm desperately hoping I can put an end to this nagging feeling in the back of my mind by doing this editing. If I feel the quality is good then I should be able to continue, and with any luck get it finished.

I so badly want to finish something with Jodie in it. I love her! I keep fantasizing about her all the time. I imagine how brilliant, and popular she is. And all the different comics I could write for her, etc, etc. But so far, I'm on page 23. And I have an awful long way to go. I'm doubting whether I can keep it up.

Oh well. Here's to tomorrow.

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