Wednesday 26 March 2008

Public Enemy Graphic Novel, Page 3

Here's the third page from my spy-thriller Graphic Novel: (starring my favourite character Jodie Summers)


SIDE ON VIEW. Jodie sprints across the street. WE'RE about half-way across. Another alley-way just out of sight to the left. WE CAN SEE down the street. And mostly importantly the city-backdrop. There are hundreds of tall, glistening, depressing SKYSCRAPERS. With that odd DOME SHAPE at the top. And a nice needle rising high into the blackened air.

Jodie continues to PUFF, PANT and WHEEZE. Her PSG-1 slops from side to side in tune. The FULL MOON is dead center in the chilly-sky. A few clouds here and there, but the sky remains clear. Jodie's running over the sewer-grate. HAZY-STEAM swallows up her young-legs.

"This city stinks. Why did I ever move here? I was much happier in Great Yarmouth. Quiet, little seaside resort. Where everyone knows your name. Heaven."


BEHIND SHOT. Jodie dashed up the alleyway that's now in SHOT. WE'RE still at the beginning of it. To the LEFT-HAND SIDE is a broken, rotted wooden fence. Pieces of wood are missing from it. Some have half-collapsed. Graffiti has been spoiled onto it. Random slogans: FX, PRODIGY, 3:16.

Through the gaps in the fence WE CAN SEE overgrown grass that looks almost dead. It's a very dull GREEN-COLOR. There's a shopping trolley dump on it, as well as other heaps of household waste. To the RIGHT-HANDS SIDE is a building wall. It's covered by SOOT, DIRT and GRIME. There's chips in the brickwork.

A cracked set of concrete slabs that have spilled OIL on them lead up the alleyway. There's two METAL-TRASH CANS with the lids missing, and flies buzzing round the overflowing garbage. Also some BLACK-RUBBISH SACKS that have been dumped by them. Maybe there's a split in one where some trash creeps out of.

"Look at this city. How'd it get so bad? Do people round here just not care? Are people these days just too lazy to clean up?"


A SMALL PANEL skewed on the end. WE HOLD the same SHOT. But Jodie's disappeared up the alleyway. She's a mere shadowy figure now.

No matter how hard I try. It just seems to suck. :-(

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