Tuesday 25 March 2008

Comic writing is painful

I don't know whether it's just me. But I find the process of writing a comic book very painful. I'm used to writing for theatre. Where everything sort-of flows together. But with a comic: You have to break every action down into a separate panel. It can be quite frustrating.

I like to write as much description as I can. But sometimes I don't write enough. And it looks weird on the page. Maybe it's just me. Am I just messed up? At the moment,  I write about 8 pages a day. It takes about 20-40 minutes to do. Maybe I should be writing more. I'm currently on page 27. 

I think my spy-thriller Graphic Novel will be in-excess of 300 pages. So it's going to take literary months to write. But I suffer from Bi-polar disorder. So I have lots of mood swings that affect my writing ability and concentration. At the moment, I'm going through a depressive stage. So I can't concentrate for longs periods of time.

It's freakin' annoying!  Anyway here's an extract from Page two of my Graphic Novel.


SIDE ON VIEW. Jodie sprints down the passage-way. She's PUFFING, PANTING, and WHEEZING. Her PSG-1 swings from side to side. In tune to Jodie's rapid motion. Just about in view, is the exit from the alleyway. There's a EGG-SHAPED, futuristic looking automobile parked on the edge of the road. Only the FRONT END is visible. More newspapers are being pelted around by the bittersweet gale-force monsoon.

"Must run faster. Need to make it to the apartment block."

"I hope Jess is there."


Jodie BURSTS out onto the street. It's completely deserted. Not a soul around. WE CAN now see the CAR more clearly. It has a hyped up REAR-VIEW SPOILER. Curled round slightly near the edges. A crystal windshield. With wipers. The top of the ENGINE prods itself through the HOOD. Out in the BACKGROUND are a few more CARS. All molded on the EGG-TYPE SHAPE. A few maybe more curved. Others more cubed etc.

STEAM bellows through the sewer grates into the ice-cold air. The BUILDINGS which form the wall of the alleyway are rotten, and muck-infected. Further in the BACKGROUND are TALL, GLASS SKYSCRAPERS. They have a odd-domed shape towards the top, with a RAZOR-SHARP needle billowing out the top.

A few flashing neon light signs further down the road, on BOTH SIDES: XXX, HARDCORE, GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! You get the picture. The street we're on is BAKER-STREET. It's dirty, horrid, and certainly not the place you'd expect to see a young-girl like Jodie wandering down.

Baker Street; 00:01 AM.


"Time's getting away from me. Must hurry up if I am to meet Jess at the apartment block. Target could've left by now. I bloody hope not!"
It just gets worse, doesn't it? :-(

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